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September 07, 2005

Slowly Getting Back

Posted at September 7, 2005 02:02 AM in General Discussions , by Sack.

Well things have finally balanced out in the world and I’m back to my normal profitability in the world of poker. My withdrawals from last night will total more than my paychecks from work, which is very good to Sack. The downside is that it is really only balancing out the lackluster performances I have been giving the last couple of weeks. I kind of backed off my playing a little bit, not for any reason other than I’ve been very busy and very tired lately. Maybe that little bit of time to clear my head helped, as I am now back to “feeling” the game rather than simply “playing” the game.

But during the little bad span I was going through, I needed to balance out my losses. Since Pacific (my main site) doesn’t allow multi-tabling, I went ahead and jumped on into Party and played on some cash tables there as I was doing my normal thing on Pacific. I had heard some interesting things about their 6 max tables, so I tried it out and thankfully it more than evened out what I was dropping on Pacific. So the results of my little experiment was very good. The rest of the story is basically me showing much respect to those who do multi-table, especially folks like that crazy lizard guy who plays some ungodly amount at one time.

I was really only playing two at a time. Maybe I just need to do it more, maybe I should have read something about doing it from this very site that I write for, or maybe I just base too much of my game on the people aspect of things… but this was stressing me out. I was looking for draws on the wrong table. I can’t explain it, but I keep my outs in my head, and when I see the cards I seek pop up my brain springs into action. That works for me, except when the card you are drawing for hit on the wrong table but you don’t realize it. Luckily everyone folded after I bet, so it worked out.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the experience and can see the profitability in the whole thing. It turned a very bad week for me into a marginally good week. I just don’t think my style is suited for playing MANY tables at once. One, two, maybe three will work for me. But I felt I was limiting myself to playing cards and hands, not people and personalities. One thing I am good at is watching people, seeing there tendencies, and then exploiting them. When I get my chance I’ll try to dry that person or two that I isolate out and then move on to the next victims (when it’s going well that is). It’s very hard for me to do that jumping from table to table. And to those who are able to do that I give much respect!

I’ll keep going for it from time to time, basically because of the potential earnings it provides without having to stretch the bankroll as far as upping the antes does. And it’s also kind of fun.

Besides all that, as I said I’m back somewhat into a groove again. I’m still not feeling at the top of my game but I’m much more comfortable than I have been. Something big is coming my way, I just hope I’m alert enough to be able to grab it when it does.

Still Fighting

p.s. I'm a poor man's poker player, but those of you who are making a killing off this stuff, donate some change to the red cross. Thousands of folks have taken a "bad beat" worse than you or I could ever imagine, so help some brothas out! If you need help or have questions or even if you need me to set something up to be able to do it, just email me HERE